SSD Cloud Servers – Update Completed
We’ve completed the update of our cloud infrastructure which included both software and hardware updates. There were no interruptions for the ssd cloud servers. This is cloud.
With the update we added an additional 256GB RAM and 3.2TB SSD disk space. We added extra computing resources to handle the load and to ensure our ssd cloud servers have enough available systems resources.
The software update of the SSD cloud servers infrastructure
That step included an upgrade of the SSD Cloud servers management software OnApp from version 3.5 to version 4.1. That added additional management features for your SSD cloud server which you can see in your client area.
The hardware update
We added 2 new hypervisors with 128GB RAM each and 4 x 800GB enterprise SSD hard drives. Those servers have dual Intel Xeon processors and each of them has 12 CPU cores.
Final conclusion
Cloud hosting will continue to grow and in a couple of years it will be the type of hosting used by most businesses due to its efficiency. Cloud hosting helps to achieve better uptime and lower costs. The end user pays for what they use while they still have full control like on a dedicated server. Now is the moment to switch to the future hosting model called cloud hosting. We are running a 30% discount for new ssd cloud server orders until the 31st of March 2016. If you add the cPanel control panel to it that will make your cloud server fully managed and you will be able to concentrate on your work while your server will be in safe hands. Additional important extras to consider are the 24/7 proactive monitoring feature and the backup services. The 24/7 monitoring will make your server watched non-stop by our senior systems administrators and in case of a problem they will be notified to correct it. The backups will give you a piece of mind that your data is encrypted and stored securely on a remote backup server with reliable RAID storage.