Our primary target is to maintain high quality and provide exceptional customer service. Clients tell us how happy they are on daily basis and that is motivating us to keep on improving our web hosting services.
We just received the following e-mail message.
Hi Scala Hosting Team,
I’m Angela, the customers relations manager at HostAdvice.com, the largest hosting directory online in which your company is listed.
I’m reaching out to let you know that over the past few weeks we’ve anonymously tested your company’s customer service, and guess what, you guys did a great job!
The customer service was prompt, efficient, insightful and most of all, helpful.
We’d like to thank you on behalf of your customers for the great service you’re providing. Keep on making the hosting world a better place!
As a reward for doing such an awesome job we’d like to grant you “The Badge of Excellence” by Host Advice. This badge tells users that you comply with our high standards of service and professionalism.
If you’re looking for industry-leading speed, ease of use and reliability Try ScalaHosting with an unconditional money-back guarantee.
2. Make your website lightning-fast
We guarantee to make your website load in less than 2 seconds on a managed VPS with ScalaHosting or give your money back. Fill out the form, and we’ll be in touch.
Make your website lighting fast—or your money back
Slow websites lose visitors and sales. See how you can surf tsunami sized traffic spikes—or any traffic—with ease with ScalaHosting. Fill out the form, and we’ll be in touch!
3. Streamline your clients’ hosting experience
If you’re a web studio or development agency hosting more than 30 websites, schedule a call with Vlad, our co-founder and CTO, and see how we can deliver unmatched value to both your business and your clients.
Need a custom cluster or professional advice?
Book a meeting and get a free 30-minute consultation with Vlad, co-founder & CTO of Scala Hosting, who will help you select, design and build the right solution - from a single data center cluster to a multi-region & multi-datacenter high availability cluster with hundreds of servers.
An all-star team of SEO and web influencers are sharing their secret knowledge for the first time in years. Learn about the future of SEO, Web Design best practices and the secrets to getting the foundation for your website to thrive. Watch the exclusive webinar.
An Exclusive Insiders Look Behind The SEO and Web Development Curtain