Get Started with cPanel Reseller Hosting
Becoming a cPanel hosting reseller is a wonderful way to create an extra revenue stream that can finance your own online projects. Often employed by developers, designers, and web agencies, this type of service allows them to establish an own hosting brand, reselling the solutions of their trusted provider.
If this is your first time as a cPanel reseller – don’t worry – most operations are relatively easy.
Still, make sure to note the following…
1. Log in WHM and Create a Plan
WHM stands for Web Host Manager and represents the control panel that gives you administrative access to your server.
You can log in to WHM via or yourIPaddress/whm if you haven’t yet pointed your domain name. Once inside, click on Create a Package and specify the amount of resources you want to assign to it.
As easy as that.
2. Register your Private Nameservers
You can register your own private nameservers or use the ones provided by your reseller hosting company. Still, as a cPanel reseller, this is a feature you’ll surely benefit from if you want to appear as an independent company.
Providers offer a number of white-label services where they hide their branding details so the reseller can display their own name and logo. This allows the reseller to cut all ties with the main host and subsequently set the business and pricing policies they see fit.
Do not forget to change the domain DNS to point to your newly-created private nameservers. Once you make the changes, allow it 24-48 hours to fully propagate worldwide.
3. Create Your First cPanel Hosting Account
Once you get your first client, you can create their account via WHM -> Create an Account.
There, you need to specify the package you want to assign to their account. In that way, you control exactly how much resources you are giving to each new customer. This includes how much disk space you will assign, the number of email accounts, databases, FTP accounts, subdomains, addon domains, and many other features.
You can learn more about your cPanel and WHM control panel at
ScalaHosting Resellers
Becoming a Scala Reseller is as easy as you can imagine. Simply choose the best reseller hosting plan for your needs and start selling first-class hosting today.
If you have any questions – your Support Team will be glad to assist you as much as needed.