Why Web Hosting Support is Important
If your website goes down, performs unusually slowly, or you simply need help getting something done – it’s time to get in touch with your web hosting support team. These are the hosting experts web hosts have in place to assist their customers in need.
What is Web Hosting Support
One common misconception is that web hosting support is only meant to address issues with the hosting service itself. Because of this, many website owners struggle to figure out how to do many things on their own.
The truth is more complex however. Most web hosting support teams are more than happy to extend their assistance for anything you need with your website, even if it is a little out of the scope of what’s intended.
For example, you may have done something to break your site – if you ask nicely, support can help you with that as well. If you don’t know how to get something done, they will be able to point you in the right direction even if they cannot directly intervene.
Because of this, web hosting support is perhaps one of the most important elements that can make or break your relationship with a web host.
Types of Hosting Support Available
Typically, most reputable web hosts will offer support via various channels to their customers. This is mostly a matter of preference. The most commonly encountered channels include:
Phone Support
Perhaps the least common in this list is phone support. Offering phone support consumes a lot of resources for web hosts and if often less efficient than other channels. It provides a direct line for you to call and get in touch with them if you need help.
Email Support
Email support works by simply providing customers with an email address to reach out to in case assistance is needed. You simply type out what you need and send it to that address then wait for a response.
Live Chat
For those seeking instant gratification, live chat is often the best recourse. By visiting the hosting provider’s website, you can activate live chat and have an instant messaging conversation with the support team.
Ticket Systems
The most reliable and trustworthy support channel is the ticketing software. Using this system, you can submit requests, and the entire process is often timed and monitored effectively to ensure all customers are given timely assistance.
Knowledge Base
For most rudimentary questions and other first-line of assistance topics, many web hosts will have a knowledge base in place. This is like a support dictionary where known topics are addressed so users can resolve common issues on their own.
How Hosting Support Can Help You
As discussed earlier, most support teams can offer assistance on a wide variety of things even if it does not strictly fall under their purview. It is mostly dependent on the attitude the host has towards customer support.
Some areas which customer support can assist would be in:
- Service outages
- Common website problems
- Configuration issues
And more.
Remember that the support teams are there in case you have any problems. Even if it’s something as unusual as a misbehaving configuration file – they will be the ones in the best position to give you advice.
Not all servers are configured identically, so what works for one host, may not on another. When in doubt – just reach out. You’ll find that most good support teams are friendly, approachable, and most importantly, very knowledgeable.
How to Test and Recognize Good Support When Choosing a Hosting Provider
Unfortunately, it can be difficult to predict how good a web host’s customer support team is before you sign on with them. There are some areas you can look towards to get an indication though.
For example, look to see if they have a comprehensive and easy-to-use knowledge base in place. At the very least, you will be assured of a good first-line recourse while waiting for the support team to respond to you.
Another indication can be through their live chat system if they have one in place. Although these are usually sales-oriented, some may be able to offer quick help for certain scenarios. Asking questions on live chat before you sign on can indicate this.
How Does ScalaHosting Web Support Work?
Perhaps one of the best approaches to web support work is for the hosting company to take a customer-focused approach. This is exactly what ScalaHosting has done, contributing to its leadership role in the web hosting industry.
At ScalaHosting, it is understood that customers are the very reason for their existence. Everything they do is with the ultimate goal of supporting the needs of their customers – to ensure a smoothly operating site, help in every area imaginable, and the recognition that they are real human beings with diverse needs.
Their web support team was built on core principles to reflect this. The result is a unified effort to deliver real solutions to their customers in the most engaging and result-oriented ways possible.
Aside from engaging customers, support team members are also encouraged to interact closely and learn from one another to develop more creative and effective means of helping each and every site owner under their care.

Web support for hosting customers isn’t just about the channels of support that the company is able to offer. After all, these are exactly that – different avenues of assistance. More important is the company’s attitude towards their customers at heart.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can web support help me install something?
This actually depends on what you’re trying to install. Most web applications can easily be self-installed with directions given by the application provider. Alternatively, hosts like ScalaHosting have 1-click deployment applications to simplify the process. You will seldom need the intervention of the support team.
Do I need to pay extra for web support?
Some hosts will try to sell premium support plans for extra fees. Unless you’re running a mission critical web application or site, this is not usually necessary. Often, good hosting providers will have extensive support by default.
What support channels does ScalaHosting have in place?
ScalaHosting offers extensive customer support including a knowledge base, live chat, ticketing system, and more. It is one of the most excellent areas that they have become known for in the industry.
What can web support help me with?
While this may depend on the provider, most good support teams can help with almost anything related to your site. At the very least, they will be able to tell you the right place to find help even if they can’t provide it.
How to contact web hosting support?
If the knowledge base doesn’t work for you, get in touch with the team directly. Typically, live chat is available from the hosting company’s website front page. Alternatively, you can lodge a support ticket for assistance by signing in to your client dashboard.